JSC PA NEDEXT has a placement program for people with disabilities

02 July 2021

JSC PA NEDEXT employee says: “Thanks to the work, I have interest in life.”

The history of the woman is very touching. This woman for many years did not understand what she was living for. It’s not so easy to be a person with disabilities. Sometimes, these people do not leave their apartments for several years.

The work helped this woman to believe in herself. For several months she has been working as a bookbinder at JSC PA NEDEXT. “I have an interest in life, diseases receded, dreams and plans appeared, the employee says. “Colleagues support me, help me to cope with everyday difficulties, I feel that I am a part of the team, a full member of the society,” she added.

JSC PA NEDEXT successfully implements the corporate target program for creating special jobs for disabled people.

On behalf of JSC PA NEDEXT management, the Company’s doors are always open to this category of citizens.

Specially created workplaces fully comply with the requirements of the individual rehabilitation program and sanitary regulations; they are certified according to working conditions, have passports confirming the safety of disabled workers. JSC PA NEDEXT is ready to offer not only a decent payment, but also employment in the main production.

The head of the department of labor and wages in JSC PA NEDEXT emphasizes that the creation of jobs for people with disabilities is a very important part of the socially oriented production policy of the company, which the company’s management pays great attention to.

“By creating them, we fulfill a significant social task. We need to do everything to ensure that as many people in this category as possible are involved in normal work activities,” says the department head. Among the vacancies available at the enterprise today are a fourth-class fitter and operators of the control panel in oil and gas production.