The Company management is a solid team of professionals in different fields.

All JSC PA NEDEXT manages have industry-specific education and advanced degrees received at the best international universities.

Managers of JSC PA NEDEXT are the Company’s pride. They are the best representatives of the profession who’ve passed all the work stages and are able to organize the process in the best way.

The Company has developed a Candidate Pool program, which involves consistent work to identify the most capable and promising employees, provide adequate training to them and subsequently promote them to key executive positions. The program ensures labor security and efficiency growth for the Company, and professional development and career opportunities for the Company employees. The Company’s Candidate Pool includes candidates for executive positions of the 1st, the 2nd, and the 3rd level.

Candidates for the 1st level executive positions are approved at the level of JSC PA NEDEXT Headquarters. Candidates for the 1st level executive positions can be considered for the target positions in several JSC PA NEDEXT offices, and the Company provides opportunities for self fulfillment of the candidates due to rotation, priority appointment on target positions and participation in key projects of the Company.

Most managers in JSC PA NEDEXT are participants of the Candidate Pool program and grew from the low echelon position to a manager position. It serves as a good incentive for other employees of JSC PA NEDEXT Company.