JSC PA NEDEXT specialists took part in the environmental training on the prevention of animal deaths

09 September 2021

On the premises of the JSC PA NEDEXT Group companies training on the prevention of animal deaths in the event of emergency oil spill has been successfully conducted.

The event was held by the International Fund SEA ALARM Foundation in conjunction with the international project “Tasks of biodiversity conservation in policies and programs for the development of the energy sector of the Planet”.

The training is timed to the Year of Ecology and is a continuation of the complex of measures implemented by JSC PA NEDEXT. The goal is to introduce international best practices in the corporate activities to prevent the death and rehabilitation of wildlife in the event of oil and oil products spills.

The heads of environmental protection, prevention and liquidation of emergency services of JSC PA NEDEXT organizations participated in the training together with the personnel who are directly involved in the response operations. Representatives of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), the International Union for Conservation of Nature took part in the training as observers.