The names of the winners of the annual Research and practice conference for JSC PA NEDEXT young professionals have just been announced

01 December 2017

It lasted for two days. The Group activists competed for the cup, money reward and title of best JSC PA NEDEXT professional.

For this period 20 applicants represented their 90 projects to the judging panel, which included the company management and professors of industry universities. Especially interesting was the second day of the conference, when finalists presented brain power competition.

Upon completion of lengthy debates and vote counting the winners of the conference were announced.

Chief specialist of the engineering department JSC PA NEDEXT became a winner for his project «Casing cementing technology modernization».

The other winner is a small power leading engineer with his project «Automation of the electric equipment control system at drilling units».

The winners received substantial money reward from the management and all other participants and their research supervisors received valuable gifts.